In THE School canteen. Dion: GOOD MORNING. I'M Dionisius. CALL me dion. Gani:.............. (1) Dion:pardon?
Tina is leaving mira at 7 p.m. Tina: GOOD NIGHT, Mira. Mira:........... (2) Tina:............ (3) Mira: see YOU.
Ini a bookstore Dimas: Hi, Rani. I'M glad tp meet YOU HERE. Rani: YEAH, me too. Dimas: let me intoduce YOU to MY friend. ................ (4) Gani: Nice to meet YOU, Rani. Rani:............. (5)
At diani's house. Rina: GOOD afternoon, ma'am. Diani's mother:.......... (6) Rina:........ (7) I'M Diani's classmate. Diani's mother: oh, please come in. Rina: Thank YOU.
1.yes i'm ganipardan 2.good night 3.see you 4.Gani this my friend Rani 5.Nice to meet you too Gani 6.too 7.
2.good night
3.see you
4.Gani this my friend Rani
5.Nice to meet you too Gani