October 2018 2 205 Report

1.podkreśl prawidłowe formy lub wyrazy w poniższych zdaniach.

1.When Barbara leaves school , she is becoming / is going to become a scientist.

2.I'm hungry.I think I am having / will have a hamburger.

3.We can't see you this evening . We will meet / ale meeting Dave and Jess to see a film at the cinema.

4.She went for a walk at/in the forest

5.Students have to learn a lot at/in school

2. Połącz początki zdań 1-5 z ich zakończenieniami A-E i uzupełnij luki okresleniami podanymi poniżej.

au pair , law court , chef , visa , tour guide.

1.A......................is a person that shows............

2.An.....................is a person that looks................

3. A ...............is the permission that you need........

4.A .......is a person who prepares......

5.A..........is a place where criminals.......

A...after somebody elese's children and house

B....to enter a foreign country.

C..people around different sights

D..are brought before a judge.

E...food in a restaurant.

3. Utwórz nazwy zawodów od podanych słów.






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