November 2018 2 11 Report

I'm really excited because this summer my family's going to spend five days in New York City. We're going to stay with my aunt and uncle. They live in the Bronx but we're going to spend most of our time in Manhattan. MY uncle is a taxi driver and he's going to drive us around Manhattan. He's going to show us the Empire State Building. We're also going to take a cruise around New Yourk Harbour and visit the Statue of Liberty. I'm going to watcz baseball at the New Yankee Stadium with my uncle and my mum is going to buy clothes on Fofth Avenue with my aunt. Tina's going to run in Central Park. And on the last night we're all going to see a musical on Broadway.

Opowiedz po angielsku. Jak najkrucej!!!! Prosze

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