I'm proud of Indonesia
country. It
two Oceans, the Pacific ocean and the Indian Ocean
world. There are more than 17 thousand telande in Indoneun
world. The the Pacity. It is betwo
and the lo
tinente, Asia and Australia, and between
Dean. It is the largest archipelago in the
There are many seas in Indonesia, the Java Sea, the
Banda Sea, the Timor Sea, and many others. We
Sunda Strait, between Java and Sumatra, the Ball
and many others.
Java Sea, the Ball Sea, the Araluru Sea, the
hany others. We also have many tralte, like the
umatra, the Ball Stralt between Ball and Lombok,
We have a lot of Islande. The big ones are Papua,
and Java. Of the five Islands. Java is the smallest, but it is
big ones are Papua, Kallınantan Sumatera, Sulawesi
can find people from around Indonesia,
Indonesia also has many mountains. Many of them are
time. We call them volcanoes like Sinabung and Marap
dan Lokon in South Sulawesi When they erupt they bring og
the earth.
mo smallegt, but it is the most populated one. We
hains. Many of them are still active and can erupt any
Sinabung and Marapl in Sumatra, Merapi in Java,
Tey erupt they bring out very hot lava from Inside
Indonesia is on the equator. It is a tropical country. The sun shines brightly ev
so it is mostly hot. It has two seasons, the rainy season, and the dry season.
the land 18 very fertile. Farmers grow many kinds of vegetables and frullo, They also
grow coconuts Indonesian people eat a lot of vegetables like spinach, carrots, long
beans, egg plants, cabbages, cucumbers, tomatos, onions, garlle, chillies, kangkung
and many others.
We also grow many kinds of fruit. We call them local fruits, like guavas, bananas,
rambutans, durians, mangoosteens, soursops, papayas, pineapples, and salak. Some
people call it a snake fruit. They are all very nice, sweet, and Julcy. We eat them fresh
We also make delicious juice of them. We also dry many kinds of frult to make crackers.
Indonesia is also rich with spices, like pepper, corriander, ginger, clove, cinnamon,
tumeric, galanga, lemon grass, bay leave, and so on. We use them to cook very spicy
Indonesian foods. People also make nice healthy drinks from them. They are useful
for our health
Many kinds of fish, big and small, llve in the Indonesian seas. Most of us eat fish with
our meals. We also eat shrimp and different kinds of shellfish. But we don't eat big fish,
like dolphins and sharks. We protect them. We also protect our turtles.
Indonesia also raise different kinds of animals for their meat, like cows, goats, pigs.
We get beef from the cow, mutton from the goat, and pork from the pig. Some ethnic
groups even eat horse meat Our milk is usually from cows. Of course we also have
chickens. They give us meat and eggs.
Find the important words!
Answers :
- between two ocean = diantara 2 samudra
- between two continents = diantara 2 benua
- the largest archipelago in the world = negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia
- more than 17 thousand islands in Indonesia = lebih dari 17 ribu pulau di Indonesia
- we also have many straits = kami juga memiliki banyak selat
- we have a lot islands = kami memiliki banyak pulau
- The big ones are Papua,Kalimantan,Sumatra,Sulawesi,and Java = Yang besarnya adalah Papua,Kalimantan,Sumatra,Sulawesi,dan Java
- Of the five island, Java is the smallest = dari lima pulau, Jawa adalah yang terkecil
- but it is the most populated one = tapi itu yang paling padat penduduknya
- we can find people from around Indonesia = kita dapat menemukan orang-orang dari seluruh Indonesia
- many of them are still active and can erupt anytime = kebanyakan dari mereka masih aktif dan bisa meletus kapan saja
- we call them volcanoes = kami menyebutnya gunung berapi
- when they erupt they bring out very hot lava from inside earth = ketika mereka meletus mereka membawa keluar lava yang sangat panas dari dalam bumi
- Indonesia is on the equator = Indonesia berada di khatulistiwa
- It is a tropical country = ini adalah negara tropis
- the sun shines brightly everyday l, so it is mostly hot = matahari nya bersinar sangat terik setiap hari, jadi ini sangat panas
- It has two seasons, the rainy season and the dry season = itu memiliki 2 musim, musim hujan dan musim panas
- the land is very fertile = Tanahnya / Negri nya sangat subur
- we also grow many kinds of fruit = kami juga menanam banyak macam buah-buahan
- we call them local fruits = kami menyebutnya dengan buah-buahan lokal
- we eat them fresh = kami memakannya dengan segar
- some people call it snake fruit = beberapa orang menyebut nya dengan buah ular --> yang dimaksud adalah sebutan untuk buah salak
• lebih lengkap nya di foto ya ^ω^ •