Illegal Logging is really a problematic case in this country. There are three reasons why it is the case.
Pembalakan liar adalah permasalahan yang berat di negeri ini. Ada tiga alasan kenapa bisa seperti ini.
Firstly, the illegal logging has threatened the people who live in the countryside around or under the area. The bald forest or hills make a big danger when the rainy seasons come. The great quantity of water can create landslides since there are no enough trees to hold the water and land. We have seen the landslide disasters which happened in many areas in Indonesia. The number of the areas struck by landslide has increased.
Pertama, penebangan liar mengancam orang orang yang tinggal di pedesaan atau di bawah area tersebut. Hutan gundul atau bukit membuat sebuah bahaya yang besar ketika musim hujan datang. Jumlah air yang besar dapat mengakibatkan lonsor karena tidak ada cukup tumbuhan untuk menahan air dan daratan. Kita telah melihat bencana longsor yang terjadi di banyak area di Indonesia. Jumlah area yang terkena telah meningkat.
The second reason is that the uncontrolled trees felling seems to go on without any significant effort of the government to stop it. According to some news sources in Newspaper and news program on TV, the activities of illegal cutting of the trees in some regions are actually known by the government officers. The police and local government let them cut the threes because they are given much money for themselves. They do not think their actions endanger the people around the forests. Therefore, it can be said that illegal logging is illegal but known by the officers.
Alasan kedua adalah tumbangnya pohon yang tak terkontrol nampaknya terus berlanjut tanpa ada usuha yang significant dari pemerintah untuk menghentikannya. Berdasarkan beberapa berita di Koran dan program berita di TV, aktivitas penebangan hutan di beberapa daerah diketahui oleh pemerintah. Polisi dan pemerintah setempat membiarkan pembalak tersebut memetong pohon karena mereka juga diberikan uang oleh penebang. Mereka tidak sadar perbuatan mereka membahayakan orang sekitar hutan. Karena itu, pembalakan ini dapat dikatakan illegal akan tetapi diketahui oleh pejabat.
The third is that the illegal logging of the forest trees can destroy the natural ecosystem. When the forest trees are continuously cut and the rein forestation is not done as the rule, the natural ecosystem is in a terrible danger. The system which is formed by the interaction between a community of organisms, including humans and animals, and their physical environment will be threatened. Human beings in several villages have been killed. Wide areas of farms are destroyed by the piles of mud and thousands of farm animals are killed and lost. Who are suffering ?
Dan yang ketiga adalah penebangan liar di hutan dapat merusak ekosistem alam. Ketika pohon hutan ditebangi terus menerus dan penanaman kembali tidak dilakukan menurut aturan, ekosistem alam akan berada dalam permasalahan besar. System yang terbentuk dengan hubungan antara komunitas makhluk hidup, termasuk manusia dan binatang dan lingkungan akan terancam. Manusia di beberapa desa telah terbunuh. Area luas pertanian dirusak oeh setumpukan lumpur dan ribuan binatang ternak terbunuh dan mati. Siapa yang menderita ?
Based on the given reasons, uncontrolled illegal logging is a serious problem that needs to be solved immediately by both the government and citizens as the owners of the forest.
Berdasarkan alasan diatas, penebangan hutan yang tidak terkendali adalah masalah yang perlu diselesaikan segera oleh pemerintah dan masyarakat sebagai pemilik hutan . 1. How many arguments are presented in the written exposition above ? 2. Whose lives are threatened by the illegal logging ? 3. In what season do landslides usually happen ? why ? 4. Have the local government done something to prevent illegal logging ? 5. Can you mention the losses or victims of landslides ? 6. Why illegal logging destroy the natural ecosystem ? 7. Why must the problem of illegal logging be solved soon ? 8. Do you know the best way to handle this problem ? 9. What do some people do illegal logging for ? 10. What is your personal opinion about illegal logging ?
1. Three Arguments; 2. Humans and Animals; (Paragraph 3) 3. Rainy season, because the huge amount of water can create landslides since there are no enough trees to hold the water and land; ( line 4 - 5); 4. No, they have not do anything to prevent illegal logging, its because The police and local government have been bribed. 5. Threatened the people who live in the countryside around or under the area, the natural ecosystem is in a terrible danger, humans and animals, and their physical environment will be threatened; 6. It is because cutting trees and changing the function of forests will affect the physical environtment be inhabitable by humans and animals, thus eliminating the interrelationships between them in an ecosystem; 7. Because all the human beings, animals and physical environment are in the terrible danger; 8. The society and government should cooperate to stop and arrest perpetrators of illegal logging by oversee forests and impose severe penalties for perpetrators; 9. People do illegal logging for various reasons. These include construction, financial gains and creating space for other human activities. 10. my opinions about illegal logging are : illegal logging is dangerous because if we can't stop illegal logging it will bring many calamities like landslides and floods. it can also damage our mountains. if we can't stop illegal logging we can't feel the fresh air that can only be produced by the trees.
2. Humans and Animals; (Paragraph 3)
3. Rainy season, because the huge amount of water can create landslides since there are no enough trees to hold the water and land; ( line 4 - 5);
4. No, they have not do anything to prevent illegal logging, its because The police and local government have been bribed.
5. Threatened the people who live in the countryside around or under the area, the natural ecosystem is in a terrible danger, humans and animals, and their physical environment will be threatened;
6. It is because cutting trees and changing the function of forests will affect the physical environtment be inhabitable by humans and animals, thus eliminating the interrelationships between them in an ecosystem;
7. Because all the human beings, animals and physical environment are in the terrible danger;
8. The society and government should cooperate to stop and arrest perpetrators of illegal logging by oversee forests and impose severe penalties for perpetrators;
9. People do illegal logging for various reasons. These include construction, financial gains and creating space for other human activities.
10. my opinions about illegal logging are : illegal logging is dangerous because if we can't stop illegal logging it will bring many calamities like landslides and floods. it can also damage our mountains. if we can't stop illegal logging we can't feel the fresh air that can only be produced by the trees.