August 2018 2 51 Report
Ile razy wzrośnie ogólny opór układu dwóch jednakowych oporników, jeżeli ich połączenie równoległe zastąpić szeregowym?
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Sprawdź wszystkie błędy gramatyczne: In Poland some students must pay trition fees for their education. I think that if everyone must pay truation fees, polish would reise in revolt. However, I recon that paying for learn hasn't got only a disadvantages. Firstly good thing is that we would more learning. Why? Because we must pay a additional fee for retaking exams. So in my opinion nobody would want to fail an exam. Secondly we would go to school, when we are sure that we want to do that. It will be no people who go to studies, because they want to brag or because his or her parents said that me must do it. Apart from this if university had more money, it would be more modern premises school and better teacher. Because lecturer, who have high education want have more money. We would have a better conditions to studying. On the other hand paying for study has a lot of disadvantages. The most important thing is that not everyone has got a money. And if they went to work, they wouldn't have time to learn. So in my opinion people, who aren't rich would have a big problem. The other disadvantage is is a big impediment in our life. We can have help from parents, but we can't rely only on their. In this age we want be more and more mature. So we must save money. In my opinion a lot of people think that if they paid for studying, they will pass every exams without learning. They require from lecturer that he or she must be kind and give a degree. Next thing about it, is that a lot of people will resigned, because in some time when they haven't money and they can't borrow it, they haven't different solution. Last disadvantage is that, this idea isn't good for country, because society will lose a very talented people, who haven't got money. To conclude I think that paying for study isn't a good idea, because we live in country, where everyone is equal. When we must pay for studying, we choose only this people, who have money. I believe that if someone want to learn that he or she can do it in every school, but why we must pay? I assume that enough money we must give for house, clothes and books. We aren't a machine. If our country want to have a lot of people with university elementary, we wouldn’t must to pay for studying.

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