I was born in Surabaya on July 9, 2019. When I was child I was noisy and annoying, I always asked about anything, until some people scolded me because I was annoying. even worse, I am a dissident. and I think I'm much better now. when I was two years old I went to early childhood school, my mother sent me because the housing where I lived was so quiet that I had no friends. when i was six years old i entered elementary school, i was in first grade and i threw out stranger jewelry when wee playing together, i was very panicked at that time. and when the second grade the stranger became my classmate and became my best friend until now. sadly we had to part cause I changed schools and moved to SMPN 70. I think my new teacher is much better than my old teacher that's why I am happy to move here.
Hallo kak, boleh tolong di koreksi Terimakasih yaa..
'sadly we had to apart' not 'part' and 'stranger jewelry when (we) playing together' we with one e not double ee