I.. Responde las siguientes preguntas: 1.. Who is the fastest man in the world? _______________________________ 2. Who has the largest nose in the world? _______________________________ 3. Who is the fattest person in the world? _______________________________ 4. Who has the longest fingernails on a hand? ______________________________ 5. Who has the biggest feet in the world? ________________________________ 6. Who is the thinnest person in the world? _______________________________ 7. What country has the shortest people in the world? ____________________________ 8. Who is the wealthiest person in the world? ______________________________ 9. Who has the longest hair person in the world? ____________________________ 10. W.ho is the oldest person in the world? ______________________________
The fastest man in the world is Usain Bolt
Mehmet Özyürek has the largest nose in the world.
Juan Pedro Franco Is the fattest person in the world.
Shridhar Chillal has the longest fingernails in the world.
Jeison Rodríguez has the biggest feet in the world.
Valeria Levitina Is the thinnest person in the world.
Guatemala has the shortest people in the world.
Dean Karnazes is the wealthiest person in the world.
Nilanshi Patel has the longest hair in the world.
Jeanne Calment is the oldest person in the world.