September 2018 1 36 Report

I . Look at the words. Find the following things. a webcam, emails, videos, a website, an MP3, text messages, the Internet. 1. two things you can listen to: a music CD and ................ 2. something you can watch: ................. 3. two things that you write and send or receive and read: ................. and .................. 4. something that you look at: ............... 5. something you go on: ................ II. VOCABULARY: IRREGULAR VERBS Complete the story with these words. found, left, lost, put, sent, sold, spoke, stuck, thought, went on On Saturday, Carol went to a shop. She bought a new memory stick. At the library, she ................... the Internet. She ..................... a good website. The website ................. books and CDs online. She .............. the web adress on her memory stick and .................. some emails. Then she ................. the Internet connection. At home, Carol looked for her memory stick but it wasn't in her bag. 'Oh no!' she ................... . 'I .................... it at the library this morning!' She phoned the library and ................ to the library assistant. The assistant said, 'Don't worry. I've got it.' Carol ................ a note on the fridge for her mum and went back to the library. BARDZO WAS PROSZĘ O POMOC!!!!!!

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