Napisz notatkę o jednym z najwcześniejszych wspomnień w twoim życiu. To ma być jakieś zdarzenie z twojego życia ,np. ze jechałaś gdzieś z rodzicami i mieliście wypadek... chodzi o jakieś zdarzenie.Wykorzystaj pytania które Ci pomogą: 1. Ile masz lat? gdzie byłaś? Kto był z Tobą? jak wszyscy się czuli? 2.Opisz scene. Co ty/i inni robią, np.( ja wyglądałam przez okno a moi rodzice rozmawiali). Jaka jest pogoda? się stało? opisz wydarzenia? jak się czujesz?
To w czasach past simple, continouos (ing), past perfekt( had, have).
My name is ... and I'm ... years old. One year ago I and my parents were driving to the mountains. We were very happy, because we could spend our holidays together. Ater few hours the weather changed and it started raining heavily. My parents were talkig to each other and I was looking out of the window. We were going through a forest. Suddenly a dark shape jump out of the darkness and a big hart appeared on the road. My dad turned violently to pass by the animal but he lost control and we are going to crash the car against a tree. My dad pressed the brake immediately but the car didn't brake in time and we hit the tree. Fortunately the stroke wasn't so strong, because we were driving very slowly but I was very terrified.