Hunting is a very old activity. Hundreds of years ago, kings and their families hunted deer. In the 1800s, fox-hunting became more popular. The hunters used groups of dogs to chase the foxes while they followed on horses. They wore special clothes for hunting: bright jackets-usually red-black boots and black hats. This tradition continued through the 1800s and 1900s, especially in rural areas.
However, many people in the UK were unhappy about the tradition of fox-hunting. It was especially unpopular among people who lived in cities. They thought it was a cruel and out-dated activity and argued that it is wrong to kill animals for fun. The government agreed, and on 15th September 2004, they made a new law to ban hunting with dogs. The traditional fox hunts had to stop. They were now illegal.
Some people in the countryside feel very strongly that the hunting ban is unfair. They argue that the government stopped the hunts only because they disliked upper-class rural traditions. They say that:
-foxes eat farm animals so farmers need help to protect their animals.
-in the countryside, 60% of people want fox-hunting to continue. We should respect rural traditions, and not allow people from cities to stop them.
-fox hunts created jobs for people, so the ban does a lot of damage to the economy in the countryside.
Some people even try to continue the tradition of hunting by using dogs and horses to chase a sock with a special smell, but it isn't the same.
So, which is more important: respecting a rural tradition or protecting foxes? It's still a question that divides town and country in Britain.
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Hanting is e wery old aktiwiti. Handreds of jears egoł, kings end deir familis hanted dir. In de 1800s fox-hanting bikejm mor popjular. De hanters just grups of dogs tu czejs de foxes łajl dej folołed on horse. Dej łor speszial klołts for hanting: brajt dżakets-jużuly red-blak buts end blak hats. Dis tradyszyn kontinijułed troł de 1800s end 1900s espeszjali in rural arias. Hałewer, meny pipul in de jukej łer anhepi abołt de tradisjon of fox-hanting. It łos espeszjali anpopjular among pipul hu lift in citjes. Dej fot it łos a krułel end aut-dejted aktiwiti end argułed dat it is rong tu kill animals for fan. De gowerment agrid end on fiftinth september tu tausynd and for dej mejd e niu loł tu ban hanting łif dogs. De traditional fox hants hed tu stop. Dej łere nał illigal. Som pipyl in de kanrtysajd fil wery strongli dat de hanting ban is anfejr. Dej agrułe dat de gawerment stopet de hants only bikos dej dislajkt apper-las rural traditions. Dej sej dat:
-foxes itfarm animals soł farmers nid help tu protekt deir animals
-in de kantrysajd sixti percent of pipyl łont fox-hanting tu kontiniu. Łi szuld respekt rular traditions, end not alloł pipyl from sitis tu stop dem.
-fox hants kriated dżobs for pipyl, soł de ban das e lot of demejdż tu de ekonomy in de kantrysajd.
Some pipyl iwen traj to kontinju de tradition of hanting by juzing dogs end horses tu czejs e sok łif e speszjal smell, bat it izynt de sejm.
Soł łicz is mor important respekting e rular tradition or protekting foxes? Its stil e kueszczyn dat diwajdes tałn end kantry in Britajn.