Tolong jawab no 4 dong pake question tags how many/how much ya
1. How much ink do you want for this marker? 2. How much water at the school yard? 3. How many glass father needs right now? 4. How many students have some homework now? 5. How much rice mother wants to buy for cooking fried rice?* 6. How many teachers in the teacher's room? 7. How many dictionary on the desk? 8. How many my friends books bring everyday? 9. How much honey in the jar? 10. How many students want to get some new books for they studying?
Semoga membantu. GBU ^^
Many = Untuk benda yang bisa dihitung Much = Benda yang tak bisa dihitung
*Rice itu termasuk much karena ia tak bisa dihitung jumlahnya. Orang tak mungkin mau menghitung 1 butir beras kecil
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makasih banyak ya kak, tp sebenarnya aku cuma minta no 4 aja tp ggp makasih ya kak
ya gpp kamu sekalian bandingin alias koreksi
2. How much water at the school yard?
3. How many glass father needs right now?
4. How many students have some homework now?
5. How much rice mother wants to buy for cooking fried rice?*
6. How many teachers in the teacher's room?
7. How many dictionary on the desk?
8. How many my friends books bring everyday?
9. How much honey in the jar?
10. How many students want to get some new books for they studying?
Semoga membantu. GBU ^^
Many = Untuk benda yang bisa dihitung
Much = Benda yang tak bisa dihitung
*Rice itu termasuk much karena ia tak bisa dihitung jumlahnya. Orang tak mungkin mau menghitung 1 butir beras kecil