How is life in your town different from life in Yukon? Think about these ideas.
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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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MOżesz napisać :
In my town there is (np.) swimming pool, tennis court / there isn't any sport places ( w zalezności od tego czy są)
jeśli są : napisz np: I'am visting it sometimes albo i 'am not visiting it.
The landscape is very nice. ( Jesli mieszkasz w mieście to napisz np.) There's a lot of buliding, which are big (ect,). ( a jesli na wsi np) In my village there is forest (np) , there are fields ect.
Weather is changing every day :) SOmetimes it's really sunny, but unfortunelly we have also rainy days :(
Tranpsport tez musiałabys napisać sama, bo to zalezy od tego gdzie mieszkasz np w mieście : we have traing, underground , buses, and cars of course!
It couldn't be Poland if we would not speak Polish. Of course my language is Polish :)
mam nadzieje ze pomogłam!!