How does the writer improve her English with the diary? what makes the diary a secret?
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Her write all her feel in her diary book .. because the diary is book kept daily diary on the owner maaf klo salah:)
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When we write our feelings and activities in the diary in english, we will try to find more vocabularies to express it. In that way, we can enrich our vocabs and increase our writing skill. The words and the stories inside the diary are all things that make the diary a secret, because diary contains of the writer's feelings, dreams, hope, and all stories abt activites, and it may a secret that nobody should know.
because the diary is book kept daily diary on the owner
maaf klo salah:)
The words and the stories inside the diary are all things that make the diary a secret, because diary contains of the writer's feelings, dreams, hope, and all stories abt activites, and it may a secret that nobody should know.