Hola! tengo que hacer una redacción de inglés sobre la ciudad de Venecia, es para el lunes y se me da fatal el inglés.. por favorrrrrr ayudadme!! Cuenta la mitad de mi puntuación final pero que no sea muy larga, es decir introducción más o menos 2 líneas, despúes unas 6 y otras 2o 3 de conclusión.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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At the North ofItaly,intheAdriatic coast, there isoneof the mostuniqueandattractiveof our planet.Thiscity of Venice,also called by people "The Queenof the Adriatic"and by others as"LaSerenissima".But nevertheless,allwho have visitedagree thatonly be describedwith one word:Venice.
What has alwaysstruckVenice,apart from itsbeautiful palaces andfine art,is that therearestreets.Yes,the citywas designedto travelin boatsandcarriages.The designof the city isdominated by awidechannel called" El CanalGrande" ("The Big Chanel) .This channel,whichis shaped likeaninvertedS,separating the twomajorurban areas.On both sides ofthis channelstatelypalacesrisebymore than threekilometers.Otherminor channels,andevenothermuch closer, flow into theCanalGrande,forming anetworkintrigued.In total,some 177minor channels, creatingsome 118islands,whichare connectedto each other byabout400pedestrian bridges.
Rounding all this, if we have to say in one word how beatiful is Venis we 'd say that it is unique and one of the most wonderfull places in the world.