tylko prosze bez translate hmm na angielski Hej Annia ostatnio byłam na koncercie Justina Bibera. Było niesamowicie ponieważ pierwszy raz go widziałam i nie był taki straszny jak z historii moich przyjaciół.Justin Bieber miał bardzo ładne piosęki, niektóre mi się naprawde spodobały.Słyszałam że w Lodynie odbędzie się koncert Ushera, a przyjedżam z rodzicami do Londynu może poszłabyś ze mną na ten koncert. Czekam na odpowiedź Megi
Hey Anna. I went to see Justin Bieber in concert recently. It was incredible especially because it was the first time I saw him live and he wasn't as scary as my friends have told me he would be. He performed some nice songs, some of which I really liked. I've heard that Usher is scheduled to have a concert in London soon, and since I'm going there with my parents I thought that maybe you could come with me.
Hey Anna. I went to see Justin Bieber in concert recently. It was incredible especially because it was the first time I saw him live and he wasn't as scary as my friends have told me he would be. He performed some nice songs, some of which I really liked. I've heard that Usher is scheduled to have a concert in London soon, and since I'm going there with my parents I thought that maybe you could come with me.
I'm looking forward to your reply,