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Oleh: SINTA ANISA DEWI B1D011309 Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi kimia polen dari berbagai jenis tanaman yang ada di Desa Sukadana kecamatan Bayan Kabupaten Lombok Utara, mulai dari bulan Mei 2015 – Juni 2015. Alat-alat yang digunakan untuk pengambilan polen yaitu: wadah sampel, kuas, pengayak, plastik, dan kertas. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan menggunakan metode Analisis Proksimat di Laboratorium Ilmu Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak, Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Mataram, untuk diteliti komposisi kimianya. Alat-alat yang digunakan dalam pengoleksian polen adalah kertas yang dibentuk kerucut, kuas, pengayak dan penampung polen sementara. Pengoleksian polen labu dilakukan dengan cara menggerus polen dengan kuas, lalu disimpan pada penampung polen. Untuk pengoleksan polen jagung yaitu dengan cara disentak-sentakan atau dipukul-pukul bunganya agar polen jatuh ke dalam kertas dan untuk mengoleksi polen bunga aren dengan cara disentak-sentakkan agar polen bunga aren jatuh, apabila masih ada tersisia maka digerus dengan kuas.Hasil penelititan ini yaitu komposisi kimia polen tanaman sangat bervariasi, antara polen dari ketiga tanaman tersebut. Kadar protein, abu, dan lemak yang tertinggi terdapat pada polen tanaman labu. Sedangkan untuk kandungan air tertinggi terdapat pada polen tanaman jagung.
By: Anisa Dewi Sinta B1D011309 This study aims to determine the chemical composition of pollen from various plants in the village of Bayan district Sukadana North Lombok, starting from the month of May 2015 - June 2015. The tools used to capture pollen, namely: the sample container, brush, sieving, plastic and paper. This study was conducted using the method Proximate Analysis Laboratory Animal Nutrition and Food Sciences, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of Mataram, to study their chemical composition. The tools used in pengoleksian pollen is cone-shaped paper, brushes, sieves and pollen temporary placeholders. Pengoleksian pollen pumpkin done in a way to grind pollen with a brush, then stored in the reservoir of pollen. To pengoleksan corn pollen that is by disentak-jerk or pounded interest so that the pollen falls into the paper and to collect palm flower pollen in a way that gently tug disentak-palm flower pollen falls, if there tersisia then crushed with this penelititan kuas.Hasil ie the chemical composition of plant pollen varies greatly, between the pollen of the three crops. Protein content, ash, and high fat found in plant pollen pumpkin. As for the highest water content contained in the pollen of corn plants.
Anisa Dewi Sinta
This study aims to determine the chemical composition of pollen from various plants in the village of Bayan district Sukadana North Lombok, starting from the month of May 2015 - June 2015. The tools used to capture pollen, namely: the sample container, brush, sieving, plastic and paper. This study was conducted using the method Proximate Analysis Laboratory Animal Nutrition and Food Sciences, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of Mataram, to study their chemical composition. The tools used in pengoleksian pollen is cone-shaped paper, brushes, sieves and pollen temporary placeholders. Pengoleksian pollen pumpkin done in a way to grind pollen with a brush, then stored in the reservoir of pollen. To pengoleksan corn pollen that is by disentak-jerk or pounded interest so that the pollen falls into the paper and to collect palm flower pollen in a way that gently tug disentak-palm flower pollen falls, if there tersisia then crushed with this penelititan kuas.Hasil ie the chemical composition of plant pollen varies greatly, between the pollen of the three crops. Protein content, ash, and high fat found in plant pollen pumpkin. As for the highest water content contained in the pollen of corn plants.