Jestem na tej stronce od dziś i nie wiem jakie zasady tutaj panują ale jestem kompletnie zielony z angielskiego.. A mam napisać e-mail do znajomego. Myślę że mi pomożecie z tym :) Poniżej zamieszczam zadanie :)
Zad. write an email of to friend. Follow the plan.
Paragraph 1 Introduction Apologise: yesterday was your best friend's birthday and you didn't phone him/her.
Paragraph 2 Explanation: first, then, finally You forgot - you were really busy. You had a Maths exam in the morning. After the exam, you had to have lunch with your uncle. After lunch you had to take your little brother to the beach
Paragraph 3 Conclusion Say Happy Birthday. There's a party at Cara's house tomorrow.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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To znaczy:
Paragraf 1: Przeprosiny. Wczoraj były urodziny twojego najlepszego przyjaciela a ty do niego/niej nie zadzwoniłeś (w sensie z życzeniami)
Paragraf 2: Wyjaśnienie: Najpierw, potem, w końcu zapomniałeś - Byłeś naprawdę zajęty. Miałeś sprawdzian z matematyki rano. Po sprawdzianie, musiałeś zjeść lunch. ze swoim wujkiem. Po lunchu musiałeś zabrać swojego małego brata na plażę.
Paragraf 3: Zakończenie: Powiedz 'Wszystkiego Najlepszego'. W domu Cary jest jutro impreza.
Hello, [tu wstaw imię swojego przyjaciela] How are you?
I wanted to apologise. I totally forgot about your birthday! But I'm going to explain this:
I was really busy... I had Maths exam in the morning. I had to learn. After exam I had to go to my uncle to eat lunch. I haven't see him very long time... After lunch with my uncle I had to take my little brother to beach... I didn't want to go with him. I hadn't time, but my mom made me do it.
Late happy birthday to you, [imię]!!
You know what? There's party in Cara's house tomorrow. You'll come? Of course you'll come!
Happy birthday again, [imię]
[tutaj wstaw swoje imię]
Mam nadzieję, że pomogłam :)
Dear xyz,
first of all, i apologise i didn't phone you yesterday. I know it was your birthday and I just want you to know, that I feel terrible.
I was really busy, that's why I completely forgot to call you. Besides, I had a Maths exam, so all I could think about was that exam, you know I'm hopeless at Maths, but fortunately the test was very easy, so I hope I'll pass it. Then I met my uncle and he wanted to talk to me and eat a lunch with me, I have to admit, we really had a lot of fun, but I was tired, so I went home. I wanted to get some sleep, but my little brother had a lot of energy and wanted to go to the beach, i had no choice, we spent all evening building sand castles.
I have good news, there's a party at Cara's house tomorrow, hope to see you there, I'll give you a birthday present I bought you today.
And once again, happy birthday!
Greets, xyz