October 2018 2 24 Report
He was at lost because he was not well informed. it means: he wouldn't have been at lost...
Select one:
a. if he were well informed
b. if he has well informed
c. if he was not well informed
d. if he had been well informed
e. if he would not be well informed

....., i might borrow it from him
Select one:
a. if his the novel
b. if the novel him
c. if his the novel
d. were the novel his
e. the novel were his

i am not a mechanic, so i can't fix it. this sentence means...
Select one:
a. if am a mechanic, i could fix it
b. if i could be a mechanic, i had fixed it
c. if were a mechanic, i could fix it
d. if have been a mechanic, i would have fixed it
e. if could have been a mechanic, i had fixed it

"what would you do if you were a millionare?".....a trip around the world."
Select one:
a. i would take
b. i took
c. i would have taken
d. i will have taken
e. i will take

who is the text better addressed to?
Select one:
a. an expert chef
b. a student learning at homa
c. a huasband left by his wife
d. a mother at home
e. a boy / gril left by his / her mother

have you delivered the packages to the customer.? not yet, some...
Select one:
a. were wrapped
b. will have been wrapped
c. are still being wrapped
d. would be wrapped
e. have been wrapped

they did not have good seats because they came late...
Select one:
a. they would have had good seats if they had not come early
b. if they came early, they would have good seats
c. they would not have good seats if they did not come late
d. they would not have good seats if they had come early
e. if they had come early, they would have had good seats

when the little boy saw the dog, he ran away and was bitten. we can conclude that...
Select one:
a. if he hasn't run away, he wouldn't be bitten
b. if he hasn't run away, he wouldn't be bitten
c. unless he run away, he wouldn't be bitten
d. if he doesn't run away, he won't be bitten
e. if he hadn't run away, he wouldn't have been bitten

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