Wyobraż sobie ze jestes dziennikarzem/dziennikarką i masz napisac krotki artykul o osobie wykonujacej nietypowy zawod. W artykule uwzglednij nastepujace informacje: - what are his/her main duties - his/her daily routine at work -what are the qualifications required
Weired jobs! As a ...
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Weired jobs! In this article we wrote about weired but fantastic job-we wrote about a assistant of carnivores seccion-Edwin Kingley. His responsibilities include daily, morning rounds, talking to nurses about the animals health.He has to know what needs to be done to the animals were well maintained and clean.To work in zoo,you don't have to got any qualification,but you have to be very patient.It's not easy work.You have to "understand" animals.
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Weired jobs! In this article we wrote about weired but fantastic job-we wrote about a assistant of carnivores seccion-Edwin Kingley. His responsibilities include daily, morning rounds, talking to nurses about the animals health.He has to know what needs to be done to the animals were well maintained and clean.To work in zoo,you don't have to got any qualification,but you have to be very patient.It's not easy work.You have to "understand" animals.
In this article we wrote about weired but fantastic job-we wrote about a assistant of carnivores seccion-Edwin Kingley. His responsibilities include daily, morning rounds, talking to nurses about the animals health.He has to know what needs to be done to the animals were well maintained and clean.To work in zoo,you don't have to got any qualification,but you have to be very patient.It's not easy work.You have to "understand" animals.
In this article we wrote about weired but fantastic job-we wrote about a assistant of carnivores seccion-Edwin Kingley. His responsibilities include daily, morning rounds, talking to nurses about the animals health.He has to know what needs to be done to the animals were well maintained and clean.To work in zoo,you don't have to got any qualification,but you have to be very patient.It's not easy work.You have to "understand" animals.
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