1. Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Podkreśl w nim ten fragment, do którego odnosi się zdanie poniżej. Następnie popraw to zdanie, tak aby było zgodne z treścią tekstu.
The fruit, vegetables and meet from my organic farm are very tasty and heathly. Why ? I don`t use any chemicals and I don`t keep my chickiens in small cages. Of course, the food I produce isn`t cheap, but that`s because I need to have more people to work.
His/Her animals can`t move around freely.
2. Przeczytaj fragment zapisu audycji radiowej oraz trzy zdania, które się do niego odnoszą. uzupełnij luki w zapisie, tak żeby wszystkie zdania były prawdziwe.
People who don`t eat meat are called vegetarians, but what about animals that don`t eat meat ? Well, they are called herbivores. Herbivores don`t kill other animals. They eat .... to survive. They usually live in .... because it`s safer for them. They must be .... to be able to escape when other animals hunt them.
1.Herbivores eat leaves, bushes and herbs. 2.Herbioves don`t live alone. 3. Herbioves can`t be slow
Za odpowiedź dobrą NAJ ;-) !
ewkamarshall1.His/Her animals can move around freely. Fragment:...I don't keep my chickens in small cages. 2.They eat leaves,bushes and herbs. They usually live in flocks/groups. They must be fast...
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WIELKIE dzięki. Miałbym przerąbane jakbym tego nie zrobił ;_).
Fragment:...I don't keep my chickens in small cages.
2.They eat leaves,bushes and herbs.
They usually live in flocks/groups.
They must be fast...