Zadanie 1
Do podanych przymiotników dopisz przeciwieństwa.
1. easier - ..............
2. cheaper - ...............
3. better - ...................
4. colder - ..................
5. bigger - .................
6. more beautiful - .................
7. younger - ..................
8. nearer - ...............
9. more polite - .................
10. worse - ...................
Zadanie 2
Oznacz zdania T (TRUE) lub F (FALSE).
1. A superhero is brave and strong. - .......
2. A superhero is caring and helpful. - ........
3. A superhero is selfish. - ........
4. A superhero is never frifhtened. - .........
5. A superhero is always responsible for his/her actions.
6. A superhero is sometimes unpleasant. - ......
7. A superhero is never silly. - ......
8. A superhero is is dishonest. - .........
9. A superhero is puts others before himself or herself. - .......
10. A superhero is often violent. - .....
11. A superhero never gets angry. - ........
12. A superhero is always impolite. - ....
Zadanie 3
Nazwij cechę charakteru.
People who ... are...
1. don't like spending money ........
2. don't talk about their abilities and fantastic achievements ........
3. are happy and smile a lot .........
4. don't consider how their actions affect the others .........
5. don't talk easily to somebody they don't know ........
6. don't like working or making an effort ........
7. like making other people's lives easier .......
8. often pay for your coke .........
9. like doing things on their own and their way .......
10. don't change their mind easily ........
Zadanie 4
Zapoznaj się z wypowiedziami nastolatków na temat wprowadzenia zakazu noszenia kapturów w jednym z centrów handlowych i odpowiedz na pytania.
I think it's stupid to ban hoods and caps. People should be allowed to wear what thay want. Clothes and stuff like that are part of your personality.
Liliy, age 13, Leicester
I agree with this ban completely. Where I live there is a lot of crime and gangs wearing hoods and caps are really scary. If I am on my own and have to walk past a group of hoodies, I get scared.
Jade, age 15, Penarth
In my opinion there are so many rules against teenagers. I think adults should let us have some freedom to choose what we wear and what we do. Ther's nothing wrong with hoods and caps, it's just the fashion at the moment.
Charlie, age 14, Yorkshire
My friends and I get scared when we see gangs of hoodies in the street. Also if they do commit crime, it's hard to catch them on the CCTV because you can't see their faces. I think they should be banned.
Katie, age 16, Glasgow
Just because you wear a hood or a cap doesn't mean you're a criminal. Adults don't understand teenagers. Don't the police have more important things to do than look for people who are wearing hoods? Respect for us teenagers, please!
Jane, age 14, Edinburgh
1. Who thinks that there are more important things than teenagers who wear hoods? .................................
2. Who thinks that hoods should be forbidden because of security reasons? ................................................
3. Who is against a large number of regulations for teenagers? .......................................
4. Who thinks that the generation gap really exists? ...................................
5. Who is afraid of hoodies? ............................................
6. Who wants to choose their clothes independently? ............................
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. easier - harder
2. cheaper - expensive
3. better - worse
4. colder - warmer
5. bigger - smaller
6. more beautiful - uglier
7. younger - older
8. nearer - further
9. more polite - more impolite
10. worse - better
1. A superhero is brave and strong. - T
2. A superhero is caring and helpful. -T
3. A superhero is selfish. - F
4. A superhero is never frifhtened. - .........
5. A superhero is always responsible for his/her actions. - T
6. A superhero is sometimes unpleasant. - F
7. A superhero is never silly. - T
8. A superhero is is dishonest. - F
9. A superhero is puts others before himself or herself. - T
10. A superhero is often violent. - F
11. A superhero never gets angry. - T
12. A superhero is always impolite. - F
People who ... are...
1. don't like spending money greedy
2. don't talk about their abilities and fantastic achievements modest
3. are happy and smile a lot happy
4. don't consider how their actions affect the others egoist
5. don't talk easily to somebody they don't know shy
6. don't like working or making an effort lazy
7. like making other people's lives easier helpful
8. often pay for your coke generous
9. like doing things on their own and their way selfish
10. don't change their mind easily stubborn
Wydaje mi się, że jest dobrze. Jednakże możliwe, że się pomyliłam.