Siema. Napisz list nieformaly do przyjaciela. Wyobraź sobie że masz młodszego brata i tydzień temu odprowadziłeś go w pierwszym dniu do szkoły. Okazało się że jest to ta sama szkoła do której kiedyś chodziłeś. Opisz swoje uczycia, wrażenia, wspomnienia. ok.160 słów poziom Pre-intermediate. Dokładne polecenie w języku angielskim: Imagine that you have a younger brother/sister who started going to school last week. It is the same school that you used to attend.You were there with him/her on the first day of school. Write an email to your friend, telling him/her about that special day and describing the feelings you had when you visited your old school. Jest to bardzo pilne daje 50 punktów z góry dziękuje.
Dear Kamil . Yesterday my younger brother, Marcel first went to the school. He started at 8 o'clock, I started at 9 o'clock so I went with him to his new school. Mum told me, that was school number six. We went there. When I and my brother were standing in front of the school, then I thought; "This was my school! I remember it!". I was very happy, that I met my school again. We went in. Hall was this same, how I remember it. Walls were yellow, floor grey and celling white. We said hello to secratary and we sked her where Marcel have first lesson. We went to this room. Then I saw Mrs. Nowak. She was Marcel's teacher. And she was my teacher, when I was in first class. This was fantastic! Write soon, yours .... .
Yesterday my younger brother, Marcel first went to the school. He started at 8 o'clock, I started at 9 o'clock so I went with him to his new school.
Mum told me, that was school number six. We went there. When I and my brother were standing in front of the school, then I thought;
"This was my school! I remember it!". I was very happy, that I met my school again.
We went in. Hall was this same, how I remember it. Walls were yellow, floor grey and celling white. We said hello to secratary and we sked her where Marcel have first lesson.
We went to this room. Then I saw Mrs. Nowak. She was Marcel's teacher. And she was my teacher, when I was in first class.
This was fantastic!
Write soon,
.... .
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