Rewrite th sentences, correcting the dangling/misplaced modifiers, or placing related words together and making the meaning clear.
1. The student tried to study in the noisy library with great concentration.
CORRECTED: The student tried to study with great concentration in the noisy library.
2. Craig was spotted by a teacher cheating on an examination.
CORRECTED: Craig was spotted cheating on an examination by a teacher.
3. I bought the used car from a friend with a bad exhaust system.
CORRECTED: I bought the used car with a bad exhaust system from a friend.
4. The news featured a man who played basketball in a wheelchair with no legs.
CORRECTED: The news featured a man who played basketball with no legs in a wheelchair.
5. Living in a tent for two weeks, the camping trip made us appreciate hot showers and dry towels.
CORRECTED: The camping trip made us appreciate hot showers and dry towels as we had lived in a tent for two weeks.
6. While lying in bed with a cold, my cat jumped on me and curled up on my stomach.
CORRECTED:While I was lying in my bed with a cold, my cat jumped on me and curled my stomach.
7. Having rehearsed her speech several times, Ana's presentation to the board members went smoothly.
CORRECTED: Ana's presentation to the board members went smoothly as she had rehearsed her speech several times.
8. We were notified that we had won a trip to Disney World by email.
CORRECTED: We were notified by email that we had won a trip to Disney World.
9. Our neighbor received a reward for returning the puppy to its family that had been missing for a week.
CORRECTED: Our neighbor received a reward for returning the puppy that had been missing for a week to its family.
10. Thrown on the floor in a heap, we could not tell if the clothe were clean or dirty.
CORRECTED: We could not tell if the clothes thrown on the floor in a heap were clean or dirty.
Misplaced/Dangling MODIFIERS
A. Misplaced Modifiers
Misplaced modifiers adalah kata atau frase yang ditempatkan secara janggal dalam sebuah kalimat sehingga pembaca tidak dapat memahami dengan jelas tentang apa yang dimaksud sebenarnya.
1. Ahmad nearly ate all the food on the table.
(Ahmad hampir makan semua makanan yang ada di meja)
Corrected: Ahmad ate nearly all food on the table.
(Ahmad makan hampir semua makanan yang ada di meja)
2. When ripe and sweet, I love manggos.
(Saat matang dan manis, saya suka mangga)
Corrected: I love ripe and sweet manggos.
(Saya suka mangga yang matang dan manis)
B. Dangling Modifiers
Dangling Modifiers adalah kata atu frasa yang memodifikasi sebuah kata yang tidak dinyatakan dengan jelas dalam sebuah kalimat. Seringkali dangling modifiers terjadi pada awal kalimat.
1. Living in the big city, it is natural to sleep late.
(Hidup di kota besar, wajar saja tidur larut)
Corrected: Living in the big city, I naturally sleep late.
(Hidup di kota besar, saya sewajarnya tidur larut)
2. Although very interesting, we left the movie early because our father called.
(Meskipun sangat menarik, kami meninggalkan bioskop terlebih dahulu karena ayah kami memanggil)
Corrected: Although the movie was very interesting, we left early because our father called.
(Meskipun film bioskopnya sangat menarik, kami pergi terlebih dahulu karena ayam kami memanggil)
Pelajari lebih lanjut
1. Matching the nouns with the correct modifiers to form meaningful noun phrases:
Detail jawaban
Kelas: 12
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Bab: Dangling/ Misplaced Modifiers
Kode: 12.5
Kata kunci: dangling, modifiers, misplaced, correcting, sentences, clear, meaning
Verified answer
Rewrite th sentences, correcting the dangling/misplaced modifiers, or placing related words together and making the meaning clear.
1. The student tried to study in the noisy library with great concentration.
CORRECTED: The student tried to study with great concentration in the noisy library.
2. Craig was spotted by a teacher cheating on an examination.
CORRECTED: Craig was spotted cheating on an examination by a teacher.
3. I bought the used car from a friend with a bad exhaust system.
CORRECTED: I bought the used car with a bad exhaust system from a friend.
4. The news featured a man who played basketball in a wheelchair with no legs.
CORRECTED: The news featured a man who played basketball with no legs in a wheelchair.
5. Living in a tent for two weeks, the camping trip made us appreciate hot showers and dry towels.
CORRECTED: The camping trip made us appreciate hot showers and dry towels as we had lived in a tent for two weeks.
6. While lying in bed with a cold, my cat jumped on me and curled up on my stomach.
CORRECTED: While I was lying in my bed with a cold, my cat jumped on me and curled my stomach.
7. Having rehearsed her speech several times, Ana's presentation to the board members went smoothly.
CORRECTED: Ana's presentation to the board members went smoothly as she had rehearsed her speech several times.
8. We were notified that we had won a trip to Disney World by email.
CORRECTED: We were notified by email that we had won a trip to Disney World.
9. Our neighbor received a reward for returning the puppy to its family that had been missing for a week.
CORRECTED: Our neighbor received a reward for returning the puppy that had been missing for a week to its family.
10. Thrown on the floor in a heap, we could not tell if the clothe were clean or dirty.
CORRECTED: We could not tell if the clothes thrown on the floor in a heap were clean or dirty.
Misplaced/Dangling MODIFIERS
A. Misplaced Modifiers
Misplaced modifiers adalah kata atau frase yang ditempatkan secara janggal dalam sebuah kalimat sehingga pembaca tidak dapat memahami dengan jelas tentang apa yang dimaksud sebenarnya.
1. Ahmad nearly ate all the food on the table.
(Ahmad hampir makan semua makanan yang ada di meja)
Corrected: Ahmad ate nearly all food on the table.
(Ahmad makan hampir semua makanan yang ada di meja)
2. When ripe and sweet, I love manggos.
(Saat matang dan manis, saya suka mangga)
Corrected: I love ripe and sweet manggos.
(Saya suka mangga yang matang dan manis)
B. Dangling Modifiers
Dangling Modifiers adalah kata atu frasa yang memodifikasi sebuah kata yang tidak dinyatakan dengan jelas dalam sebuah kalimat. Seringkali dangling modifiers terjadi pada awal kalimat.
1. Living in the big city, it is natural to sleep late.
(Hidup di kota besar, wajar saja tidur larut)
Corrected: Living in the big city, I naturally sleep late.
(Hidup di kota besar, saya sewajarnya tidur larut)
2. Although very interesting, we left the movie early because our father called.
(Meskipun sangat menarik, kami meninggalkan bioskop terlebih dahulu karena ayah kami memanggil)
Corrected: Although the movie was very interesting, we left early because our father called.
(Meskipun film bioskopnya sangat menarik, kami pergi terlebih dahulu karena ayam kami memanggil)
Pelajari lebih lanjut
1. Matching the nouns with the correct modifiers to form meaningful noun phrases:
Detail jawaban
Kelas: 12
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Bab: Dangling/ Misplaced Modifiers
Kode: 12.5
Kata kunci: dangling, modifiers, misplaced, correcting, sentences, clear, meaning