Determine either the paragraph belonging to descriptive or report text!
➡️ Tentukan apakah paragraf tersebut termasuk dalam teks deskriptif atau laporan!
My best friend is Himawan, and he is my classmate. We go to school together. Himawan comes from an educated family. His father is a school principal and 1 his mother is also a teacher. Jawaban A Descriptive text
Snakes are reptiles. They belong to the same group as lizards Snakes have two legs but a long time ago they had claws to help them slither along. They are covered in scales which are just bumps on the skin. Their skin is hard and 2 glossy to reduce friction as the snake slither along the ground. Jawaban B Report text
Guava is a plant native from Mexico and central America, Northem South America, and some parts of India. A guava tree is not big. It is about 33 feet with 3 spreading branches. The bark is smooth with green or reddish brown color. The plant branches are close to the ground. Jawaban B Report text
My sister has a Hamster named Scruffy. She got him from a pet shop in the mall. She named him Scruffy, because he always scratched his cage. Since the 4 first time she got Scruffy, she has fallen in love with him. He is a nice hamster. She put a wheel on his cage. Jawaban A Descriptive text
Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia. It is centrally located within the country on the northwest coast of Java Island at the mouth of the Ciliwung River. 5 Jakarta dominates Indonesian's administrative, economy, cultural activities, and is a major commercial and transportation hub. Jawaban B Report text
Descriptive Text vs Report Text
A. Descriptive Text
➡️ Isi
Mendeskripsikan objek atau suatu hal dengan detail.
Ditulis berdasarkan dari sudut pandang si penulis.
➡️ Struktur Teks
➡️ Contoh judul:
No. 1) My best friend is Himawan
No. 4) My sister has a Hamster named Scruffy
B. Report Text
➡️ Isi
Mendeskripsikan objek atau suatu hal secara general/umum.
Ditulis berdasarkan penelitian atau observasi yang dilakukan dan terdapat fakta ilmiah.
Verified answer
Determine either the paragraph belonging to descriptive or report text!
➡️ Tentukan apakah paragraf tersebut termasuk dalam teks deskriptif atau laporan!
A. Descriptive Text
➡️ Isi
➡️ Struktur Teks
➡️ Contoh judul:
B. Report Text
➡️ Isi
➡️ Struktur Teks
➡️ Contoh judul:
Pelajari lebih lanjut
Detail Jawaban
Kata Kunci: Descriptive Text, Report Text