HELP ME GUYS..... Artikan ke dalam bahasa inggris GUYSSSSSS.. TOLONG YA. YANG JAGO B INGGRIS. BANTU AKU. :` buat besokk
Nana adalah temanku, dia mempunyai wajah yang oval, rambut yang hitam dan kulit yang putih. Tingginya 152 cm. Dia mempunyai senyum yang manis. Dia juga sangat cantik. Dia anak yang cerdas dan anak yang rajin. Makanan kesukaannya adalah nasi goreng. Dia suka mengajakku kerumahnya. Tempat kesukaannya adalah perpustakaan. Dia suka membaca dan meminjam buku di sana. Nana adalah teman yang baik.
Nana is my friend, she has an oval face, black hair and white skin. Height 152 cm. She had a sweet smile. She is also very pretty. He was intelligent and diligent kid. Her favorite food is fried rice. He likes to take me to his house. His favorite place is the library. He likes to read and borrow books there. Nana is a good friend.
Maaf kalo salah
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Nana is my friend, she has an oval face, black hair and white skin. Height 152 cm. She had a sweet smile. She is also very pretty. He was intelligent and diligent kid. Her favorite food is fried rice. He likes to take me to his house. His favorite place is the library. He likes to read and borrow books there. Nana is a good friend.
Maaf kalo salah