" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Verified answer
Respuesta:1-Ann was reading a book.
2-She was eating a cake
3-We were playing in the garden.
4-You were speaking with a cute boy.
5-The boys were fighting each other.
6-He was not throwing papers
7-John is drinking juice.
8-He was watching a film on T.V.
9-The girl was sleeping on the chair.
10-Ian was not cleaning the kitchen.
11-Paul was talking to his friends.
12-The girls were writing poems.
13-John was doing the homework.
14-Kate was drawing a picture.
15-The boys were playing cards.
16-Peter was not phoning his best friend.
17-The girl was signing a song.
18-They were not breaking a bottle.
19-We choosed the clothes.
20-Tim was washing the car.
21-The girls listened to the radio.
22-The were making a lot of noise.
23-Jack was running in the corridor.
24-Jill was siting on the sofa.
25-They were not riding the bicycle
26-Ann was baking a cake.
27-Jennifer was not cooking.
28-Jason was playing the guitar.
29-They were not washing the floor.
30-Jack and Paul were feeding the cat.
Espero que me des las gracias porque me tardé bastante;(