September 2018 2 28 Report
Hello alia let me in troduce myself my name is hannah
i know your name from my friend caroline she told me
that you sent her an email telling her that you
would like to have more pen pals from the us . i'd
really like to be your e-pal you sound really cool!
i guess i'd better tell you something about myself fist
i'm 16 years old and i attend thomas edison high
school here in minneapolis minnesota usa i have two
brothers and two half sisters and i'm the middle child
my father died a few years ago so my mother runs the
house and the family business my father was a barista
i have lost of hobbies i like music mostly classical
music and folk music but i dont play an instrument i
like sports especially tennis and basketball at school
im in the basketball team and an iguana. they need
lots of attention as you can image at school i have
many hmong friends who were not fully fluent in
english. their family moved here from asia . ia enjoy
talking to them about our differenr cultures .my favorite
subjects at school are art and geography i think i'd
like to become a park ranger when i graduate , perhaps
work for the national parks service
i haven't got much interest in fashion , although we
have mall of america the biggest mall in minnesota we
can reach the nall very easily a commuter train runs
every 15 munites buses also come from different
directions we can also drive to the mall its much faster
then going there by train or by bus
i dont like reading but i love drawing and painting how
about you ? please drop me a line alia can't wait to
hear from you !

apa gagasan utama dari paragraf 1 2 3 4 5 6 beserta rincian x masing2 paragraf...tolong di bantu yaa

Life Enjoy

" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "

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