Właśnie przyjechałes do Yorku i musisz jak najszybciej dotrzeć do domu Twoich znajomych.Przeprowadź rozmowę z osobą z ulicy, w której: -poinformujesz dokąd chcesz dojść -zapytasz, jakimi środkami transportu można tam dotrzeć zapytasz o cenę biletu studenckiego na wybrany środek lokomocji. (rozpoczyna zdający)
mieszkasz w domu znajomej Angielki w Londynie. Wcześniej, podczas pobytu na wakacjach w irlandii uczestniczyłeś w otwarciu interesującej wystawy fotograficznej. powiedz znajomej: -kiedy impreza ta miała miejsce -jaki był jej przebieg -co na tej imprezie było Twoim zdaniem najciekawsze. (rozpoczyna zdający)
Przebywasz na stypendium naukowym w Manchester. Mieszkasz w akademiku z kolegą z USA. Planujecie , jak urządzić wspólną kuchcę. Kolega proponuje wstawienie do niej telewizora. -Nie zgódź się na tę propozycję podając powód, dlaczego. -zaproponuj inne rozwiazanie -wysłuchawszy opinii kolegi, zaproponuj kompromis.
proszę o jak najlepsze wykonanie tych rozmów sterowanych. daję naj.
-Excuse me, can you help me? -Yes, of course. -I'm not form New York and I don't know the city. I'd like to visit my friends, they live at Beach Street near St John's Park, do you know where it is? - Yes, I do - How can I get there, by bus, underground or by taxi? -The best way is to take 27 bus. - And do you know how much the student ticket is. - I have no idea. - Ok, thanks anyway.
B. When I was in Ireland I was at a photo exhibition opening. It was during the last weekend I was there and it was in old castle. In the beginning there was a short introduction by one of the photographers and then we watched pothos. I loved bird's eye view photosmost. They were amazing.
-I don't want to have a TV in the kitchen. The TV is too big and our kitchen is too small. The place of TV is in the living room. -But I like watching TV when I eat breakfast or prepare meal. -Ok, you can buy a small TV for the kitchen and it won't bother me and you'll be happy.
-Excuse me, can you help me?
-Yes, of course.
-I'm not form New York and I don't know the city. I'd like to visit my friends, they live at Beach Street near St John's Park, do you know where it is?
- Yes, I do
- How can I get there, by bus, underground or by taxi?
-The best way is to take 27 bus.
- And do you know how much the student ticket is.
- I have no idea.
- Ok, thanks anyway.
When I was in Ireland I was at a photo exhibition opening. It was during the last weekend I was there and it was in old castle. In the beginning there was a short introduction by one of the photographers and then we watched pothos. I loved bird's eye view photosmost. They were amazing.
-I don't want to have a TV in the kitchen. The TV is too big and our kitchen is too small. The place of TV is in the living room.
-But I like watching TV when I eat breakfast or prepare meal.
-Ok, you can buy a small TV for the kitchen and it won't bother me and you'll be happy.