HEJ proszę o napisanie e-maila do przyjaciela korespondencyjnego z Wielkiej Brytanii o mojej szkole uwzględnij: a.)gdzie i z kim mieszkasz (z rodzicami babcią dziadkiem i siostrą) b.) do której klasy chodzisz ( do 6) c.) kiedy zaczynają i kończą się lekcje ( zacz.8.00 koń. 13.30) d.) co uczniowie robią podczas przerw (idą na dwór lub chodzą po korytarzu) e.) coś o nauczycielach lub uczniach (np. są wymagający) bardzo proszę o odp. do soboty sorry że tak mało punktów
Hello! I live with my parents, my sister and grandparents. I go to sixth class. My lessons start st eight o'clock and finish at half past one. In lunch breakfast students go along the corridor. Studenst are very friendly and clever. Teachers are demanding.
Dear James. I write to you becouse i want to sey you some information about my school and my live. I live with my parents and grandparents and sister. I went to 6th class. I finish my lesson at 13.30 and start at 8:00. At pauses beetwen my lessons students went to fresh air. My teacher'll by very funny and happy.
I live with my parents, my sister and grandparents.
I go to sixth class. My lessons start st eight o'clock and finish at half past one. In lunch breakfast students go along the corridor.
Studenst are very friendly and clever. Teachers are demanding.
Dear James.
I write to you becouse i want to sey you some information about my school and my live.
I live with my parents and grandparents and sister.
I went to 6th class.
I finish my lesson at 13.30 and start at 8:00.
At pauses beetwen my lessons students went to fresh air.
My teacher'll by very funny and happy.