hej! Powiedzcie czy dobrze to jest napisane, a jeśli nie to poprawcie błędy jeśli możecie :)
Dear Lisa,
I just got back from a wonderful trip.
Five days ago I went with my parents to Greece. Firts day we were visited the Acropolis with temples. On the second day we saw the theater of Dionysus. In the theater I lost my phone. A few minutes later someone called to my mother that he had found my phone. The finder was a boy of my age. I thanked him and we went out for ice cream together.Now I have a new friend.The rest of the trip we relaxed in the hotel.I think thatpackage holidaysare greatbecause you canbefor themto have fun andmeet newfriends.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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powinno byc ,,were visiting"
a poza tym bardzo ladnie napisalas , ja osobiscie zmienilabym to zdanie: In the theater I lost my phone. na When I was in the theater , I lost my phone. ale twoja wersja tez moze byc ;P
Pozdrawiam :D
a i jeszcze skoro to ma byc list to sie podpisz na koncu ;)