Hej, Muszę napisać e-mail do koleżanki... Mam w nim opisać jakąś osobę,pierwsze zdanie może brzmieć, np. I've got a new friend called Annie. She's really nice. ... I trzeba tak jakby ją opisać...i np. jak napiszemy że jest towarzyska itp. to w niektórych zdaniach trzeba to wyjaśnić , np. jest towarzyska ponieważ wiele czasu spędza ze swoimi przyjaciółmi :) Bardzo proszę o pomoc, nie mam pojęcia od czego zacząć :( Z góry będę bardzo wdzięczna :)
pity that you here with me is not! I was recently at a party and there I met a super boyfriend. name is Raphael. listens to the same music as me, likes movies and similar species you well know that I love horror movies. is a very sociable person and told me that I wanted to spend time with me ... D maybe something will come of this?
pity that you here with me is not! I was recently at a party and there I met a super boyfriend. name is Raphael. listens to the same music as me, likes movies and similar species you well know that I love horror movies. is a very sociable person and told me that I wanted to spend time with me ... D maybe something will come of this?