Hej ;) moglby mi ktos podac przyklady zdan z zamiany czasow ze strony czynnej na bierna w zdaniach,pytaniach i przeczeniach ;)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Mother washes her baby. => Baby is being washed by its mother.
They aren't playing footbal now. => Football isn't being played now.
Are they going to release this film? => Is this film going to be released?
Jeśli mamy określonego wykonawcę czynności, na końcu przekształcenia piszemy by [np. by mother, by Mr. Smith, by cats], a jeśli jest nieokreślony, to nie [bez "by them, by her", "by people"]
Liczę na naj :)
Masz test i odpowiedzi :)