Hej. Mam problem z językiem angielskim. Muszę napisać za co cenię jakąś osobę i napisac krótko o niej. Wybrałam Marię Skłodowską Curie. Napisałam tak : I admire M.S-C, because she was a great chemist and physicist. She was born on 7 th November 1867 in Warsaw. Her parents were very ordinary : her father taught in Primary School and her mother organized salary. She was the first Pole who won two Nobels. She discovered polon and radium with her husband, Piotr. It was a very important thing for our country. S-C became famous all over the world. Ithink she was a big hero. Proszę o przedłużenie mojej pracy przez wplecienie kilku zdań. Około 7. Pamiętajcie, że jestem w drugiej klasie gim i to musi być mniej więcej na tym poziomie. Jak wpleciecie gdzieś jakieś zdania to proszę o przepisanie całego tekstu z tymi zdaniami już wplecionymi. Wiem, że dużo roboty, ale oferuję dużo punktów. Jak myślicie, że popełnicie blędy to nie piszcie wcale :) Pozdrowionka :)
I admire M.S-C, because she was a great chemist and physicist. She was born on 7 th November 1867 in Warsaw. Her parents were very ordinary : her father taught in Primary School and her mother organized salary. She spent a lot time of her life in France. She became the first woman in the history of the entrance examinations to the department of physics and chemistry of the Sorbonne. Maria Sklodowska-Curie became the first woman in history has received a Doctor of Physics. She became the first woman professor at the Sorbonne. She was the first Pole who won two Nobles. She is the only woman who received two Nobel prizes in life. Maria Sklodowska-Curie is the forerunner of a new branch of chemistry known as the radiochemistry. She discovered polon and radium with her husband, Piotr. It was a very important thing for our country. S-C became famous all over the world. I think she was a big hero.