Hej:) mam prośbę.. Chciałabym żeby ktoś przetłumaczył mi dwa teksty.. 1. Ale na niektórych obszarach będzie panowała susza i ludziom będzie brakowało pożywienia. Ludzie będą walczyć ze sobą o pokarm i wodę.
2. za 50 lat komputery będą inteligentniejsze i będą zmieniać życie człowieka. Komputery będą pomagać ludziom we wszystkim: w nauce, w pracy. Dzięki komputerom ludzie nie będą musieli wychodzić z domu. Wszystkie swoje sprawy będą mógli załatwić w internecie. Ludzie będą mogli się porozumiewać z komputerem.
Z góry dziękuję:)
But in some areas there was a drought will be missed and people food. People will fight each other for food and water.
50 years computers will be smarter and more human life will change. Computers will help people in all, in school, at work. With computers, people will not have to leave the house. All his affairs will be able to settle on the Internet. People will be able to communicate with the computer.
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1. But in some areas there was a drought will be missed and people food. People will fight each other for food and water.
2. 50 years computers will be smarter and more human life will change. Computers will help people in all, in school, at work. With computers, people will not have to leave the house. All his affairs will be able to settle on the Internet. People will be able to communicate with the computer.
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1. but in some areas a drought will be prevailing and people will be lacking the food. People will be fighting with themselves over food and water.
2. in 50 years computers will be more intelligent and they will be changing the life of the man. Computers will be helping people with everything: in the learning, at the work. Thanks to computers people will be not having to go out. They will be able to settle of all their matters in the Internet. People will be able to communicate with the computer.
50 years computers will be smarter and more human life will change. Computers will help people in all, in school, at work. With computers, people will not have to leave the house. All his affairs will be able to settle on the Internet. People will be able to communicate with the computer.
2. 50 years computers will be smarter and more human life will change. Computers will help people in all, in school, at work.
With computers, people will not have to leave the house. All his affairs will be able to settle on the Internet. People will be able to communicate with the computer.
2. in 50 years computers will be more intelligent and they will be changing the life of the man. Computers will be helping people with everything: in the learning, at the work. Thanks to computers people will be not having to go out. They will be able to settle of all their matters in the Internet. People will be able to communicate with the computer.