Hej błagam o pomoc , Wyobraź sobie że piszesz opowiadanie o dziewczynce . Nadaj jej wiek , imię , gdzie mieszka . Wymyś kim są z zawodu rodzice jej i ile mają lat, a także wymyśl jej rodzeństwo, WSZYSTKO PO ANGIELSKU, DAJE NAJJ
Hello im mary. Im 9 years old. I live in london near big ben. I have brother and sister. My brother dante is 9 years old and likes to watch cartoons. My sister lara is 6 years old and she is very loud. My mom is a stewardess and my dad is a builder
Hey, I'm Ala I'm 15 years old I live in the city I have siblings Ole Hubert Maciej and Natalie Ola is 10 years old Hubert is 11 years old Maciej is 18 years old and Natalia 5 years old my parents are dad's name Adam mum Janina Dad is 34 years old mum 30 years old
Hello im mary. Im 9 years old. I live in london near big ben. I have brother and sister. My brother dante is 9 years old and likes to watch cartoons. My sister lara is 6 years old and she is very loud. My mom is a stewardess and my dad is a builder
Hey, I'm Ala I'm 15 years old I live in the city I have siblings Ole Hubert Maciej and Natalie Ola is 10 years old Hubert is 11 years old Maciej is 18 years old and Natalia 5 years old my parents are dad's name Adam mum Janina Dad is 34 years old mum 30 years old