March 2022 1 21 Report
Przeczytaj mail’a i zadecyduje czy poniższe zdanie jest prawdziwe czy fałszywe. Uzupełnij luki.

Sara always has a really big

Hi Nick,
How are you? It's the Easter holidays here and I (1)….. (enjoy) just staying at home. It's always the same in the holidays - I never (2)
…..(get up) early and I always …..(3) (spend) ages having breakfast.
Normally, I…. (4)(not have) time for more than a bowl of cereal and a cup of tea so it's a real treat.
Of course, at the weekends Josh sometimes ……(5) (cook) a traditional English breakfast. …(6)
(you know how to do that? You …(7)
(fry) eggs, bacon, sausages, mushrooms and tomatoes and
…(8) (make) loads of toast to go with it.
Josh and I ……(9) (try) to lose weight at the moment but it's very hard at Easter. We …..(10) (only / have) fruit and yoghurt this week to prepare for the proper diet. Every year I…(11)
myself I won't eat too many Easter eggs but I'm a chocoholic, as you …(12) (know), and they are so
Anyway, I have to go now. Write soon and tell me about your Easter holidays.

Life Enjoy

" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "

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