1 Choose the correct alternative. 1 Have you ever been playing/played for a school team? A 'Why are you so tired?" B I've been tidying/tidied up the house." 3 How long has Ashu been having/had problems at work? 2 4 We've been having / had this car for five years. 5 Charlie has been changing/changed his job twice since 2018. 6 I have been working/worked hard all day and I still haven't done everything. 7 A 'The kitchen is really messy!" B 'Sorry about that! I've been making/made pasta all morning." 8 How many times has Jason been saying / said his own ideas during the course? 9 I've been listening/listened to your electric guitar all morning and now I have a headache. Please stop! 10 Erin has been having / had problems at school this week, and she's feeling unhappy.
Verified answer
2been tidying
3been having
6been working
7been making
9been listening
10been having