April 2019 1 352 Report
Complete the dialog using should/ought to/had better!

-Take it back to the store.
- Borrow some money.
- Call the police.
- Go back to the restaurant and ask if someone found them.
- See a dentist.
- Speak English outside of class every day.

1. Bob : I have a toothache. This tooth hurts. What should I do?
Brian : ______________

2. Merry : Ali wants to improve his English. What should he do?
Diaz : _____________

3. Alan : I don't have any money. I can't pay my rent What should do?
Sam : __________
4. Nick : Someone stole my bicycle. What should do?
Selly. : __________
5. James. : I left my sunglasses at restaurant yesterday. What should l do?
Gatsby : __________

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