September 2018 1 33 Report

Odległość między dwoma miastami wynosi 300 km. Z każdego z nich w tej samej chwili wyrusza pociąg w stronę drugiego miasta. jakie drogi przebędą pociągi do chwili spotkania, jeśli ich szybkości wynoszą odpowiednio v1= 100km/h oraz v2=50km/h?

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PRZETLUMACZCIE MI TO tylko nie z google tlumaczEveryone has their dreams and ambitions but you never know where life really take you. Here are amazing stories of two rich and famous people whose start in life had little in common life today!Could a disorganised secretary ever picture herself becoming a billionaire one today? Probably not, but that's exactly what happened to J.K. Rowling author of the world famous Hary Potter books. As a child, she wanted to become a ballerina but she wasn't graceful enought. After leaving school, she studied French at the University of Exeter. Then, she got a job wasn't organised enought! and in any case, her imagination was far too wild for dull paperwork! eventualy is was her imagination that worked miracles for her. On a train journey from Menchester to London she, thought up a story about a young boy who goes to a school of wizardy. The main character ! J.K. Rowling became rich and famous overnight with fans all over the world. As she writes in one of her books, "it matters not what someone in born, but what they grow to be". when Brad Pitt got a place at Missouri University's school of Journalism, he had no idea that some years later he would become one of the most popular American actors ever! So just how did this happen? well, young Brad soon found that he just wasn't interested enought in journalism, so he dropped out in his final year. He then drove to LA, where he had many different jobs such as a fridge deliveryman and limousine

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