Przetłumacz zdania : 1.Nigdy wcześniej nie jechałem londyńskim metrem 2.Prędkościomierz pokazał 80 km/h 3.10 chłopaków na 100 jeździ rowerem do szkoły 4.Zarówno instruktor jak i uczeń byli zadowoleni 5.W godzinach szczytu były okropne korki 6.Poproszę 2 bilety powrotne ze zniżką ;) daję naj
1. I have never ridden the subway before 2. The speedometer was showing 80 km/h 3. 10 out of 100 boys rides a bike to school 4. Both the instructor and the student were satisfied 5. There was huge traffic in the rush hour 6. I would like 2 return tickets with a saver
2. The speedometer was showing 80 km/h
3. 10 out of 100 boys rides a bike to school
4. Both the instructor and the student were satisfied
5. There was huge traffic in the rush hour
6. I would like 2 return tickets with a saver