Gród drewniano-ziemny istniał w Oleśnicy na pewno już w początkach XIII wieku. Pierwszym elementem murowanym była wzniesiona w obrębie jego umocnień na przełomie XIII i XIV wieku cylindryczna wieża o średnicy 11 metrów. Na początku XIV wieku utworzone zostało księstwo oleśnickie, w związku z czym siedziba książąt musiała zostać rozbudowana. Dokonał tego przed połową XIV wieku książę Konrad I wznosząc duży zamek na planie zbliżonym do kwadratu o boku prawie 50 metrów, który posiadał główne skrzydło mieszkalne wzdłuż północno-zachodniej kurtyny murów oraz mniejsze skrzydło przy kurtynie południowo-zachodniej. W narożniku południowym znajdowała się czworoboczna wieża, a wieża cylindryczna umieszczona w narożniku wschodnim broniła wjazdu umieszczonego w kurtynie północno-wschodniej. Zamek znajdował się w ciągu fortyfikacji miejskich, Oleśnica Rekonstrukcja zamku średniowiecznego według Jana Salma, 'Leksykon zamków w Polsce' [źródło] ale otoczony był również od strony miasta fosą. Prace budowlane przy tym pierwszym założeniu były jeszcze podejmowane przed końcem XIV wieku. Po 1492 roku, po śmierci ostatniego z książąt oleśnickich zamek znalazł się w rękach czeskich. W 1542 roku książę Jan z Podiebradu rozpoczął przebudowę rezydencji w stylu renesansowym od przekształcenia skrzydła północno-zachodniego. Później według projektu Franciszka Parra zostało wzniesione na wschód od murów zamkowych nowe skrzydło, zwane domem wdów, a wieżę cylindryczną nadbudowano ośmiobocznie i zwieńczono renesansowym hełmem. Kolejny książę Karol II z Podiebradu rozbudował rezydencję w latach 1585-1610, a do prac zatrudniony został architekt Bernard Niuron. Przy wieży cylindrycznej powstały dwa nowe skrzydła - najpierw południowo-wschodnie, później północno-wschodnie z bramą wjazdową, które połączone zostało z domem wdów. Całe założenie otoczono nowoczesnymi ziemnymi fortyfikacjami bastionowymi. W latach 1613-1616 zbudowano kryty ganek, łączący zamek z kościołem parafialnym, gdzie znajdowała się loża książęca. Niewielkie prace budowlane nadające zamkowi elementy dekoracji barokowej prowadzono w ciągu XVII i XVIII wieku, a w XIX wieku przebudowano skrzydło północno-wschodnie. W latach 1896-1901 zamek został odrestaurowany, przy czym prowadzący prace J.Maas zdecydował, aby przywrócić mu wygląd renesansowy. Podczas drugiej wojny światowej pozbawiony opieki zamek trochę podupadł, jednak odbudowa w latach 1970-1976 przywróciła Oleśnica Fryderyk Bernard Wernher, Topografia Śląska 1744-1768 mu dawną świetność. W zamku znalazło się muzeum oraz inne placówki kulturalne.
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Natural wooden castle there in Olesnica certainly already in the early thirteenth century. The first element of the stone was erected within its fortifications in the late thirteenth and fourteenth century cylindrical tower with a diameter of 11 meters. At the beginning of the fourteenth century was created Duchy of Oels, therefore, the seat of the princes had to be developed. He did this before the middle of the fourteenth century, Konrad I, Duke of raising a large castle on a plan similar to the square of almost 50 meters, which had the main wing houses along the north-west curtain walls and a smaller wing at the south-west curtain. The southern corner was a rectangular tower, a cylindrical tower located in the eastern corner of defending the entry placed in the north-east curtain. The castle was located within the city's fortifications, Oleśnica Reconstruction of the medieval castle of John Salma, 'Lexicon of castles in Poland' [source] but was also surrounded by the side of the city moat. Construction work on the first assumption was still made before the end of the fourteenth century. After 1492, after the death of the last of the princes Oleśnica castle was in the hands of the Czech Republic. In 1542, Prince John of Podebrad began rebuilding in Renaissance style mansion on the transformation of north-west wing. After a design by Francesco Parra was built east of the castle walls a new wing, called the house of widows, and a cylindrical tower and ośmiobocznie superstructured zwieńczono Renaissance cupola. Another Duke Charles II of Podebrad expanded residence in the years 1585-1610, and was recruited to the work of architect Bernard Niuron. Cylindrical tower with two new wings - first south-east, then north-east of the gate, which was connected with the house of widows. The whole earth was surrounded by a modern bastion fortifications. In the years 1613-1616 were built indoor porch, connecting the castle with the parish church, where there was a lodge of the Prince. Small works suitable for decorating the baroque castle of the elements was carried out during the seventeenth and eighteenth century and nineteenth century, was rebuilt wing of the north-east. In the years 1896-1901 the castle was restored, while carrying out the work of J. Maas decided to restore the appearance of the Renaissance. During World War II deprived of care had declined a little castle, but the reconstruction has restored the years 1970-1976 Oleśnica Frederick Bernard Wernher, Topography of Silesia 1744-1768 its former glory. Found in the castle is a museum and other cultural institutions.
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Natural wooden castle there in Oleśnica certainly already in the early thirteenth century. The first element of the stone was erected within it is fortifications in the late thirteenth and fourteenth century cylindrical tower with a diameter of 11 meters. At the beginning of the fourteenth century was created Duchy of Oels, therefore, the seat of the princes had to be developed. He did this before the middle of the fourteenth century, Konrad I, Duke of raising a large castle on a plan similar to the square of almost 50 meters, which had the main wing houses along the north- west curtain walls and a smaller wing at the south-west curtain. The southern corner was a rectangular tower, a cylindrical tower located in the eastern corner of defending the entry placed in the north-east curtain. The castle was located within the city fortifications, Oleśnica Reconstruction of the medieval castle of John Salma, Lexicon of castles in Poland; but was also surrounded by the side of the city moat. Construction work on the first assumption was still made before the end of the fourteenth century. After 1492, after the death of the last of the princes Oleśnica castle was in the hands of the Czech Republic. In 1542, Prince John of Podebrad began rebuilding in Renaissance style mansion on the transformation of north-west wing. After a design by Francesco Parra was built east of the castle walls a new wing, called the house of widows, and a cylindrical tower and eightees superstructured complete Renaissance cupola. Another Duke Charles II of Podebrad expanded residence in the years 1585-1610, and was recruited to the work of architect Bernard Niuron. Cylindrical tower with two new wings - first south-east, then north-east of the gate, which was connected with the house of widows. The whole earth was surrounded by a modern bastion fortifications. In the years 1613-1616 were built indoor porch, connecting the castle with the parish church, where there was a lodge of the Prince. Small works suitable for decorating the baroque castle of the elements was carried out during the seventeenth and eighteenth century and nineteenth century, was rebuilt wing of the north-east. In the years 1896-1901 the castle was restored, while carrying out the work of J. Maas decided to restore the appearance of the Renaissance. During World War II deprived of care had declined a little castle, but the reconstruction has restored the years 1970-1976 ; Oleśnica Frederick Bernard Wernher, Topography of Silesia 1744-1768 it is former glory. Found in the castle is a museum and other cultural institutions.
Reconstruction of the medieval castle of John Salma, 'Lexicon of castles in Poland' [source]
but was also surrounded by the side of the city moat. Construction work on the first assumption was still made before the end of the fourteenth century.
After 1492, after the death of the last of the princes Oleśnica castle was in the hands of the Czech Republic. In 1542, Prince John of Podebrad began rebuilding in Renaissance style mansion on the transformation of north-west wing. After a design by Francesco Parra was built east of the castle walls a new wing, called the house of widows, and a cylindrical tower and ośmiobocznie superstructured zwieńczono Renaissance cupola. Another Duke Charles II of Podebrad expanded residence in the years 1585-1610, and was recruited to the work of architect Bernard Niuron. Cylindrical tower with two new wings - first south-east, then north-east of the gate, which was connected with the house of widows. The whole earth was surrounded by a modern bastion fortifications.
In the years 1613-1616 were built indoor porch, connecting the castle with the parish church, where there was a lodge of the Prince. Small works suitable for decorating the baroque castle of the elements was carried out during the seventeenth and eighteenth century and nineteenth century, was rebuilt wing of the north-east. In the years 1896-1901 the castle was restored, while carrying out the work of J. Maas decided to restore the appearance of the Renaissance.
During World War II deprived of care had declined a little castle, but the reconstruction has restored the years 1970-1976
Frederick Bernard Wernher, Topography of Silesia 1744-1768
its former glory. Found in the castle is a museum and other cultural institutions.
in the early thirteenth century. The first element of the
stone was erected within it is fortifications in the late
thirteenth and fourteenth century cylindrical tower with
a diameter of 11 meters. At the beginning of the fourteenth
century was created Duchy of Oels, therefore, the seat
of the princes had to be developed. He did this before the
middle of the fourteenth century, Konrad I, Duke of raising
a large castle on a plan similar to the square of almost 50
meters, which had the main wing houses along the north-
west curtain walls and a smaller wing at the south-west
curtain. The southern corner was a rectangular tower, a
cylindrical tower located in the eastern corner of defending
the entry placed in the north-east curtain. The castle was
located within the city fortifications, Oleśnica Reconstruction
of the medieval castle of John Salma, Lexicon of castles in
Poland; but was also surrounded by the side of the city moat.
Construction work on the first assumption was still made
before the end of the fourteenth century. After 1492, after
the death of the last of the princes Oleśnica castle was in the
hands of the Czech Republic. In 1542, Prince John of
Podebrad began rebuilding in Renaissance style mansion on
the transformation of north-west wing. After a design by
Francesco Parra was built east of the castle walls a new
wing, called the house of widows, and a cylindrical
tower and eightees superstructured complete
Renaissance cupola. Another Duke Charles II of
Podebrad expanded residence in the years 1585-1610,
and was recruited to the work of architect Bernard
Niuron. Cylindrical tower with two new wings - first
south-east, then north-east of the gate, which was
connected with the house of widows. The whole
earth was surrounded by a modern bastion fortifications.
In the years 1613-1616 were built indoor porch,
connecting the castle with the parish church, where
there was a lodge of the Prince. Small works suitable
for decorating the baroque castle of the elements was
carried out during the seventeenth and eighteenth
century and nineteenth century, was rebuilt wing of
the north-east. In the years 1896-1901 the castle was
restored, while carrying out the work of J. Maas
decided to restore the appearance of the Renaissance.
During World War II deprived of care had declined a
little castle, but the reconstruction has restored the
years 1970-1976 ; Oleśnica Frederick Bernard Wernher,
Topography of Silesia 1744-1768 it is former glory.
Found in the castle is a museum and other cultural