give your opinion to the following (berikan pendapatmu berikut ini) 1.what id your opinion about student who smoke (apa pendapatmu tentang siswa yang merokok) you have any idea about your class (apakah anda punya ide tentang kelasmu ) 3.give me your opinion about full day school (berikan pendapatmu tentang full day sekolah) kakak kakak yg bisa bantu jawab tolong ya di jawab pendapat nya pakai bahasa Inggris kalau gak bisa jawab gak usah jawab biar kan aja, sekali lagi minta tolong yg bisa bantu jawab (•‿•)
1. I think students should be aware that smoking is not good for their health, also it usually can be very addictive and harmful, so I believe students should stay away from it.
2. I think my class is very unique because I get to meet my funny friends.
3. I believe everything needs to be in balance, therefore as far as students and teachers still have time to recharge their energies before they get back again into learning and teaching processes, then I think I’m okay with that.
1. can make disease and lungs black
maaf ya cuma no 1 doang
2. I think my class is very unique because I get to meet my funny friends.
3. I believe everything needs to be in balance, therefore as far as students and teachers still have time to recharge their energies before they get back again into learning and teaching processes, then I think I’m okay with that.
Hope this helps, best of luck :)