Give the example of annoucement text and the procedure text
Futaba21annoucement text To : students of class VII A Please bring some paints and paint brushes to the class on Tuesday February, 7th 2017. Thank you Ms. Futaba
procedure text How to make a cup of chocolate milk Ingredients : a. 1 sachet of chocolate milk b. A glass of hot water
Materials : a. A spoon b. A cup
Steps : a. First, put one sachet of chocolate milk into the cup. b. Second, pour one glass of hot water into the cup. c. Then, stir it well with a spoon. d. Finally, serve the cup of chocolate milk
To : students of class VII A
Please bring some paints and paint brushes to the class on Tuesday February, 7th 2017.
Thank you
Ms. Futaba
procedure text
How to make a cup of chocolate milk
Ingredients :
a. 1 sachet of chocolate milk
b. A glass of hot water
Materials :
a. A spoon
b. A cup
Steps :
a. First, put one sachet of chocolate milk into the cup.
b. Second, pour one glass of hot water into the cup.
c. Then, stir it well with a spoon.
d. Finally, serve the cup of chocolate milk