October 2018 1 350 Report
!) jika sebuah dadu dilempar sebanyak 42 kali maka frekuensi harapan munculnya mata dadu bilangan cacah kurang dari 3 adalah
2) pada percobaan perlemparan sebuah logam ssebanyak 300 kali frekuensi harapan munculnya muka gambar adalah
3)dua buah dadu ( I dan II) dilemparkan bersama sama peluang muncul mata dadu berjumlah 6 dengan syarat mata dadu I kurang dari mata dadu II

4) sebuah dadu dilempar sebanyak 50 kali peluang kejadian muncul mata dadu bilangan prima / ganjil adalah
5) sebuah kartu diambil dari satu set kartu remi. peluang terambil kartu hitam atau kartu king adalah

pliss yang tau jawab ya kk
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Al Brown was very good at fixing things around the house when they broke. One day he went to another city to do some work there, and his wife was alone in the house. While Mr. Brown was away, one of the faucets on the bathtub broke. Mrs. Brown didn’t know much about fixing broken faucets, so she telephoned a plumber. The plumber came to the house that afternoon and fixed the faucet in few minutes. When he finished, he gave Mrs. Brown his bill for the work. She looked at it for several seconds and then said, “Your prices are very high, aren’t they? Do you know, the doctor costs less than this when he comes to the house?” “Yes, I know,” answered the plumber.” I know that very well, because I was a doctor until I was lucky enough to find this job a few months ago.” 1. The text mainly tells us about …… a. Al Brown visited to another city b. the payment of the doctor’s visit c. the broken faucet of Mrs. Brown’s bathtub d. the disappointment of Mrs. Brown about the bill given e. An unexpected incidents experienced by Mrs. Brown 2. Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to the text? a. The plumber was smart b. Al Brown went to the village to work c. The plumber charged Mrs. Brown cheaply d. Mrs. Brown was skillful in fixing broken faucet e. Mrs. Brown called Mr. Brown to fix the broken faucet 3. “The plumber came to the house that afternoon.” (paragraph 2) The underlined word means …… a. making handicraft b. repairing vehicles c. operating computers d. fixing washing machines e. fitting pipes into building 4. The type of the text above is …… a. report b. recount c. anecdote d. narrative e. descriptive 5. What is the communicative purpose of the text? a. To share an amusing story with others b. To inform readers about Mrs. Brown’s problem c. To present two points of view about the plumber’s issue d. To describe the plumber’s experience in fixing broken faucets e. To persuade readers to be concerned with Mr. Brown’s case plis tolong dibantu yang tau soalnya besok dikumpulkan nihh kaka :(

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