October 2018 1 19 Report

Napisz pytania i odpowiedzi , używając wyrazów z tabeli w ćwiczeniu 2. Wyrazy z zadania 2: amazed, amazing
excited, exciting
fascinated, fascinating
Np. Carol/news
Why is Carol shocked?
Because the news is shocking.

1.Jack/snakes ( Help ! )
2.Laura/programme ( Not another soap)
3.Tomek/game ( We're winning ! )

Wyrazy w nawiasie to oznaczają co mówią .
Proszę pomóżcie ! Z góry dziękuję ;d

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Proszę , pomóżcie ! Za dobre rozwiązanie daje naj !z.1. Complete with the present participle of these verbs.burn , eat , play , run , sing , wait1. I can hear someone ______ the piano .2. Is there a fire ? Can you smell something____ ?3. Did you notice anyone _____ at the bus stop ?4. She felt the rain ______ down her neck.5. Please don't watch me _______ lunch .- I'm embarrassed!6. I like listening to the birds ______.z.2. Complete the phone conversation with 'llwon't or ( be ) going to .Jack: Hi , Tim , what are you doing ?Tim: I _____ wash my father's car.Jack: Oh, there's no point- it ______ rain. Come to the cinema with me instead.Tim: But I heaven't got any money.Jack: No problem , I ______ pay for you.Tim: Ok , I _____ wash the car tomorrow . I'm sure , dad ____ mind. Just a minute - I ______ tell him . Dad I ____ see a movie with Jack.Father: So you ______ (not) wash my car today. Tim: I promise I _______ wash it tomorrow . I ______ ( not ) let you down. Jack, I _____ meet you at the cinema in 15 minutes. Er, Dad , could you ...?Father: I don't believe it- you _____ ask me to give you a lift to the cinema !z.3. Write sentences using the correct form of the verb: present simple or will.1. I (cook) supper tonight if you (like).2. If we ( not hurry) , we (miss) the plane. 3. My sister (be) , a doctor if she (pass) her exams.4.If the team (score) another goal , they (win) the game.5.We(not get) lost if we(look) at the map.6. If it(rain) tomorrow , we (not have) a barbecue.7. You (sleep better) if you (open) the window.8. If I (not finish) my project, I (be) in trouble !Z góry dziękuję za pomoc :)

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