Friday 13th March 2015 Mikołaj, Krzysiu and I went to Gallery after school. We want to go to cinema, but all places were crowded. Later we decided to buy tickets online and tomorrow go to watch a film. Saturday 14th March 2015 This morning we booked tickets to the cinema. At 14:00 o’clock we drove with parents to Gallery. When we met in Gallery we wanted to eat something, so we went to MC Donald. After 30 minutes we met in the waiting room next to cinema. Before seance we were waiting in long queue, because the film was created in this year and lots of people want to see this. Eariel checker checked out our tickets.When we sitted on the chairs suddenly our eyes showed advertisements. Durning the film we bought Cola und popcorn. The film was very funny. One man was swining in lava. Later our parents drove to us and we drove to home. After cinema we asked out to play football next week. Monday 16th March 2015. Mikołaj, Krzysiu and I were speaking about that film. We decided to write an opinion about that film on the website.