Napisz e-mali do kolegi/kolezanki: Pytania: 1.Where are you staying? 2.Who are you with? 3.What's the weather like? 4.What are you and your family/frends doing? 5.What do you in the evenings? 6.What are you doing tomorrow? Na co wzracać uwage: 1.Cekawy tekst. 2.Present Continuls. 3.Podział na paragrafy.
Prosze o szybką odpowiedz!!! Dam full xD
Hi, Bill . Good to see you . How was your holiday ? Where did you go ? Where did you stay ? I went to Mallorca . At a five-star hotel by the sea . What was the weather like ? Did you take many photos ? . Would you like to see them ? I'd love to . I'll pop by this afternoon . See you later . - Tina
Where did you go ?
Where did you stay ? I went to Mallorca . At a five-star hotel by the sea . What was the weather like ? Did you take many photos ? . Would you like to see them ?
I'd love to . I'll pop by this afternoon .
See you later .
- Tina