October 2018 2 28 Report

in a field, one summer's day a grasshopper was enjoying himself. he was hopping about, chirping and singing when an ant passed by. the ant stopped near the grasshopper for taking a rest because he had worked hard ... (1) had and ear of corn on his back.
why not come and chat with me, said the grasshopper, instead of toiling and moiling in that way?
I am helping to collect food (2)... the winter, said the ant, and I asked you to do the same.
why brother about winter? said the grasshopper,we have got plenty of food now. but the ant went on its way and continued its toil.
when the winter came the grasshopper had no food. he was very (3)... while he saw the ants happily distributing every day corn and grain from the stores they had collected in the summer.
then the grasshopper knew. it is best to prepare for the days of necessity.

1. a. it c. she
b. he d. they

2. a. to c. at
b. for d. from

3. a. sad c. thirsty
b. hungry d. angry
tolong bantu ya,besok mau dikumpulin!
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