"...for course inquiry and (admission) of the new semester." The underlined (admission )word is closest meaning to... a. selection b.entance c. registration d. acknowledge
--•Synonym•-- Responsio : B. Entrance Admission means hak masuk / izin masuk. Entrance means masuk. So it's similiar. While selection means seleksi, registration means pendaftaran, and acknowledge means pengakuan
---------------------------- alea jacta est someone who stands strongly, nothing can break him/her
Verified answer
--•Synonym•--Responsio :
B. Entrance
Admission means hak masuk / izin masuk. Entrance means masuk. So it's similiar.
While selection means seleksi, registration means pendaftaran, and acknowledge means pengakuan
alea jacta est
someone who stands strongly, nothing can break him/her